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How did you hear about the Award?
The Arts Council will ONLY fund projects that do not depend on, require or otherwise take funds from sources other than the Arts Council. This is to level the playing field for all applicants. Will this project be completely funded with the $1,000 award?
Major/Minor: You must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in one of the following departments..

DISCLAIMER  The Matadors Community Credit Union Award is given solely at the discretion of the Executive Board of the The Arts Council for CSUN. Award participants and winners must be enrolled full-time at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) in any of the following Mike Curb College of Arts Media & Communication departments:  Art, CTVA, Music or Theater. The Award recipient shall defend, indemnify and hold The Arts Council for CSUN, CSUN, and Matadors Community Credit Union, including their officers, officials, employees and volunteers, harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the Award.  Any taxes that may be due are the sole liability of the Award recipient. All work submitted must be the student’s original work. If the project submitted is not the student’s original work, it will be automatically disqualified and any monies given will be immediately returned by the recipient to The Arts Council for CSUN. By submitting your project, you are agreeing to accept the terms of the Award guidelines.

The 2024
Matadors Community Credit Union
Award for Student Projects


On 10/30, Dr. Paula Thomson, Professor and dance coordinator will be our speaker.

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